# Logging

# Logging from within jobs

All your jobs have access to a standard Ruby logger.

class Hello < Jobly::Job
  def execute(name: 'bob')
    logger.info "said hello to #{name}"

# Logging from other classes

In case you need access to the logger from other classes (that do not inherit from Jobly::Job), you can include the Jobly::Logging module (or the more inclusive Jobly::Helpers module).

class Git
  include Jobly::Logging

  def pull(repo)
    logger.info "pulling #{repo}..."

# Configuring the logger

By default, output is sent to STDOUT but you can provide your own logger and log to a file or to syslog by using the config.log or the config.logger option in ./config/jobly.rb

Jobly.configure do |config|
  config.log = '/var/log/jobly.log'
  # same as:
  # config.log = Logger.new '/var/log/jobly.log'

  config.log_level = 'warn'

The config.log option controls how logging is handled.

  1. If left empty (nil), the web server and workers will NOT log anywhere, and your jobs will log to STDOUT whenever you use logger.
  2. Setting it to config.log = 'stdout' will also instruct the web server and worker to send their logging to STDOUT.
  3. Setting it to a filename, will log to a file.
  4. Setting it to a syslog connection string will log to a remote syslog server.

# Logging to syslog

Set config.log to a syslog connection string in the following format:

config.log = "syslog://system:program@host:port"

Omitting any of the options will fall back to a sensible default.

See the Syslog Example for mode details:


# Separate log files for each job class

If Jobly.log contains %s in the file path, it will be replaced with the slug of the job, and will create separate log files for each job class.

Jobly.configure do |config|
  config.log = 'logs/%s.log'

# Automatic syslog tagging

The same %s replacement principle applies when using a syslog connection string. This is intended to allow tagging of syslog messages with the job name.

Jobly.configure do |config|
  config.log = 'syslog://jobserver:%s@localhost:514'

# Bring your own logger

The config.log option can also accept any Logger instance, in case you wish to provide a custom logger.